
The process usually goes through five phases:

  1. clarification of the framework conditions
  2. identification of the conflict issues
  3. exploration of the interests and needs of those involved
  4. development of solution spaces and elaboration of the solution
  5. commitment and final agreement

Collaboration holds wonderful opportunities for creativity, idea development or efficiency – but also potential for conflict. Where people with different personal styles, experiences or goals come together, seemingly insurmountable, emotionally charged positions can arise that often have an impact far beyond the conflicting parties.

Resistance is the sign of an unmet need.

Mediation is about giving space to those involved and bringing about clarification: Experiencing and understanding the needs and interests of the individual. Moving away from positions towards clarifying interests. Making the parties involved capable of talking so that they can work out solutions on their own responsibility on an equal footing and anchor them in everyday life in the long term. Depending on the level of conflict, mediation begins with individual coaching sessions before moving on to a moderated, solution-oriented dialog.