The answers to every question and challenge in your life start with you – not with the other person and not with the factual problem. It is never the event or the others, but always the way you relate to it. (freely adapted from Reinhard K. Sprenger)
This assumption leads to the ability to be the designer of one’s own (life) experience.
In my work, I have made it my mission to strengthen people in their self-responsibility. To give them remote control over their own well-being.
Over 20 years ago, I asked myself what kind of work I could enjoy. The answer was quickly found. My passion for systemic relationships in organizations and between people as well as my passion for the stage led me from business acting to communication training and coaching. Today, it fills me with great satisfaction when people develop ideas with ease and take paths that were previously unthinkable for them.
Focus in training and coaching: developing own potential, self-management, inner stability, personal & professional (re-)alignment and transformation, developing coherence in the role, leadership skills, authentic selling, customer centricity and service excellence.
Background: Network partner Customer Centric Development. Trained industrial clerk. Before starting my own business, many years of experience in management positions in B2B and B2C in the automotive, retail, IT software and household goods sectors. In the areas of sales, marketing, logistics and production control Since 2004 self-employed as a business artist and communication trainer, since 2008 systemic business coach, moderator, trainer and organizational developer
Further training: Certified systemic business coach (DVCT), LIFO® – Mastertrainer, LIFO® Special License Work-Life-Balance, NLP-Practitioner, ChangeTheGame® with Dr. Kai Haack, Various further training courses in experiential learning methods
Languages: In coaching: German, English